A Few Good Books

I promised that when I reached 50 followers, I would post an actual blog about books. There’s no particular reason why I chose that arbitrary figure, it just sounded like a nice round number of readers who I’m sure would wait with bated breaths to hear the profound pearls of literary wisdom that would fall from my mouth, or in the case, from my fingertips.

LibraryReads June List  library_reads_logo_website

And this was the perfect day for a post as the LibraryReads list was released. I could tell you more about the librarian supported program but it’s easier if you read about it here.

Check out the June list of books to be published in June here. My favorites from this list are Anthony Horowitz’s THE WORD IS MURDER and B. A. Paris’ BRING ME BACK (you can read my GoodReads reviews by clicking on the titles). For other titles on the list, librarian colleagues have been raving about the heart-pounding thriller, JAR OF HEARTS, and “all the good feels” romance, THE KISS QUOTIENT, which has received huge thumbs up from those who don’t even like romance novels (but be forewarned, apparently it’s quite steamy). Heck, I might even read it and as a general rule don’t read romances–not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just more of a thriller/mystery and psychological/suspense fan.



If you want to explore the past lists from LibraryReads (and perhaps hunt for my annotation–hint: it’s for SOMETIMES I LIE), you can find them in the archive.

A Short Survey

I will soon be tweaking this site and adding more information (such as more “About Me”) and helpful links, but first I would like to know your formatting preference.

When you click on a link, do you prefer the site to open in a new window, or in the same tab and then use the “back” arrow to return to the blog post? Right now I have it set to open in a new tab but will gladly change it if the majority prefers it in the same window. Please comment below.

Thanks for reading and in the next day or two I’ll be reporting on what I’ve been reading over the past few weeks. Preview: Last night finished a new memoir that is harrowing and terrific.

13 thoughts on “A Few Good Books

  1. No preference on links and tabs! So glad Robinsbooks blog is a go–have always liked your style of “shoving books”. Interesting to read of your current plan for where to call home. I also am torn between two loves : Oregon and everywhere else that has sunshine! Enjoy!!


  2. New tab. Wondering what the memoir is as I don’t usually read them, but i have an upcoming (in August) continuing ed program where we all have to book talk a memoir. Finally may I ask how many hours a day you read, as I am having trouble keeping my TBR pile manageable.


    • I’ll be writing about the memoir later today–hopefully. And as far as reading hours per day, it varies. I do read about 2 books a week, but lately it’s been about 3 plus I spend a lot of time perusing various books and reading reviews. And don’t worry, my TBR pile is completely off the hook. So much so that sometimes I get a little discouraged, but then I feel it’s better to have too many books to read than not enough, right?


  3. Looking forward to your blog posts. Great promo for Library Reads – a fantastic way to hear about upcoming new books! I prefer to have the tab in the same window, but then my husband calls me the “tab queen” due to the many tabs I always have open.


  4. Pingback: Need a Good Book? Time for LibraryReads’ Yearly Favorites | ROBIN'S BOOKS

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